Acid-Base Equilibria

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This is a 12 point assignment

Objectives: After completing this unit, students should be able to:

1.     List some general properties of acids and bases.

2.     Given the chemical formula of any acid or base in the “Formula and Nomenclature” handout, give the name and vice versa.

3.     Given an acid/base reaction identify the Bronsted-Lowry, Arrhenius and Lewis acids or bases present.

4.     Given an acid or base, write the formula of the conjugate base or acid.

5.     Explain the relationship between the strength of an acid and the strength of its conjugate base.

6.     Write simple acid base reactions including the following types:

a.     dissociation of strong acids

b.     ionization of weak acids

c.     the addition of strong acid/base to weak base/acid

d.     the dissociation of salts in water

e.     Lewis acid base reactions

7.     Describe the auto ionization of water and write and apply the Kw expression.

8.     Recognize the common strong acids: HCl(aq),HBr(aq),HI(aq),HNO3,H2SO4,HClO3, and HClO4.

9.     Calculate [H+], pH and/or [OH], pOH given the value of any one of the variables or the concentration of a strong acid or base.

10.  Write the equations for the dissociation of weak acids and weak bases     and/or Ka and Kb expressions.

11.  Calculate all equilibrium concentrations and pH or pOH in a solution of a weak acid or base given the Ka or Kb or vice versa.

12.  Calculate the Ka/Kb for a weak acid/base given the pH of a solution of known concentration.

13.  Calculate percent ionization of an acid or base from initial concentrations and Ka or Kb values.

14.  Use pKa and pKb to predict the relative acid base strengths.

15.  Interconvert between the Ka of an acid and the Kb of its conjugate base.

16.  Write the Ka expressions for the stepwise ionization of a polyprotic acid and understand the significance of magnitude differences of Ka1 and Ka2.

17.  Using the balanced chemical equations for both the cation and anion, predict whether a salt solution will be acidic, basic or neutral.

18.  Calculate the pH of salt solutions.

19. Use knowledge of chemical structure to predict relative acid-base strength.

Reading and Homework Exercises

Table of Contents from: OpenStax Chemistry 2e: Section 4.2 (Acid-Base Reactions portion), Chapter 14, Section 15.2 (Lewis Acids and Bases)

Objective 1-4, 6-8  Practice – Questions 1-15 address various concepts of acids and bases as outlined in these objectives.

You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

4.2 Classifying Chemical Reactions (Acid Base Reactions Portion)


14.1 Brønsted-Lowry Acids and Bases

15.2 Lewis Acids and Bases

Question 1 requires you to identify strong acids and bases by formula.

Question 1:

Questions 2-5 tests your understanding of the three acid and base definitions: Arrhenius, Bronsted-Lowry, and Lewis.

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Question 5:

Questions 6-9 tests your understanding conjugate acids and bases

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

Question 9:

Questions 10 and 11 test your understanding of ionization equations of acids and bases in water

Question 10:

Question 11:

Questions 12-15 require you to identify strong acids and bases by formula.

Question 12:

Question 13:

Question 14:

Question 15:

Questions 16.17 test your understanding of amphoteric substances and autoionization

Question 16:

Question 17:

Objective 10  Practice – Questions 18-20 address Ka and Kb expressions for weak acids and bases

You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

14.3 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases

Question 18:

Question 19:

Question 20:

Objective 5,14, and 15  Practice – Question 21 requires to to calculate Ka or Kb values for conjugate acids or bases from the relationship KaKb=Kw

Question 21:

Objective 5,14, and 15  Practice –Questions 22 and 23 require you to use Ka and Kb values from the tables and the relationship KaKb=Kw to determine relative strength of acids and bases.

Question 22:

Question 23:

Objective 9  Practice –Questions 24-27 test your ability to interconvert between hydrogen ion concentration, hydroxide ion concentration, pH, and pOH and to calculate these values for solutions for strong acid or strong base solutions

Question 24:

Question 25:

Question 26:

Question 27:

You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

14.2 pH and pOH

Objective 11-13  Practice –Questions 28-30 test your ability to complete various equilibrium calculations for weak acids and bases using ICE tables.  You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

14.3 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases

Question 28:

Question 29:

Question 30:

Objective 17-18  Practice –Questions 31-33 test your understanding of the acid-base properties of salt solutions and hydrolysis.  You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

14.4 Hydrolysis of Salts

Question 31:

Question 32:

Question 33:

Objective 19  Practice –Questions 3-39 test your understanding of how molecular structure affects acid and conjugate base strength.  You might find the following reading in OpenStax helpful:

14.3 Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases

Question 34:

Question 35:

Question 36:

Question 37:

Question 38:

Question 39:

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