Essential Ideas (Matter and Measurement)

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This is a 6 point assignment

Objectives: After completing this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Differentiate among the three states of matter: gas, liquid, and solid.
  2. Distinguish among pure substances, compounds, elements, mixtures, heterogeneous, homogeneous, and solutions.
  3. Distinguish between a physical or chemical change.
  4. Distinguish among hypothesis, theory and law.
  5. Knowing the meaning of the prefixes used in the metric system, convert in one metric unit to another.
  6. Knowing that 2.54 cm = 1 in., 1.06 quarts = 1 liter, and 1 lb = 454 grams, convert between English and Metric units.
  7. Interconvert degrees Fahrenheit, Celsius and Kelvin.
  8. Using the density formula, solve for density, mass or volume, given the other two.
  9. Differentiate between exact numbers and measurements.
  10. Define and distinguish between precision and accuracy.
  11. Determine the correct number of significant figures in a measured or calculated quantity.
  12. Round off numbers to the correct number of significant figures.
  13. Express numbers and do calculations in exponential notation.
  14. Use dimensional analysis to solve unit conversion problems.
  15. Given the formula, name the elements and the binary compounds and vice versa (refer Nomenclature Handout: Sections I and II)

Reading and Homework Exercises

Table of Contents from: OpenStax Chemistry 2e: Chapter 1 – Essential Ideas

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Introduction , 1.1 Chemistry in Context

Section 1.1 Practice – These questions cover basic terms related to science and the scientific method and their definitions and applications in science

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

1.2 Phases and Classification of Matter

Section 1.2 Practice.  Questions 4-8 involve the classification of matter into pure substances, mixtures, elements, and compounds 

Question 4:

Question 5:

Question 6:

Question 7:

Question 8:

1.3 Physical and Chemical Properties

Section 1.3 Practice.  This question involves the topics of physical and chemical change.

Question 9:

1.4 Measurements

Section 1.4 Practice.  Questions 10-15 cover the topics of unit conversions and density.

Question 10:

Question 11:

Question 12:

Question 13:

Question 14:

Question 15:

1.5 Measurement Uncertainty, Accuracy, and Precision

Section 1.5 Practice.  Questions 16-23 cover the topics of significant figures, accuracy, and precision.

Question 16:

Question 17:

Question 18:

Question 19:

Question 20:

Question 21:

Question 22:

Question 23:

1.6 Mathematical Treatment of Measurement Results

Section 1.6 Practice.  Questions 24-26 cover more unit conversions.

Question 24:

Question 25:

Question 26:




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