Oxidation-Reduction Equations

OBJECTIVES: After having completed this unit, students should be able to:

  1. Identify oxidation-reduction (redox) reactions
  2. Define the terms oxidation and reduction in terms of loss or gain of electrons and impact on oxidation state
  3. Identify which element is oxidized and which element is reduced in a redox reaction
  4. Assign oxidation states to the elements in a compound or ion.
  5. Predict the products for the single replacement reaction of a metal with an acid, water, or salt and use the activity series to predict whether a reaction will occur
  6. Identify oxidizing and reducing agents in redox reactions.
  7. Balance oxidation-reduction reactions using the half-reaction method in both acidic and basic solutions.

Reading and Homework Exercises

Table of Contents from: OpenStax Chemistry 2e: Chapter 4, section 4.2  (Oxidation-Reduction Reactions only)
4.2 Classifying Chemical Reactions (Oxidation-Reduction Reactions Only)

Assigning Oxidation Numbers: in the following questions, you will be asked to assign oxidation states of each element in the chemical formulas.

Question 1: Fe

Question 2: Cl2

Question 3: Fe2+

Question 4: Cl1-

Question 5: CaBr2

Question 6: Mg3P2

Question 7: NO2

Question 8: N2O5

Question 9: NO31-

Question 10: Na2S2O3

Question 11: IO41-

Question 12: Ba(IO3)2

Oxidation/Reduction (Redox) reactions

Question 13:

Considering the following redox reaction answer the question below:

Li2SO4 + Zn → 2 Li + ZnSO4

Question 14:

Considering following the redox reaction answer the question below:

3 Fe2+ + NO3  + 4 H+→ 3 Fe3+ + NO  + 2 H2O 

Question 15:

Single Replacement Reactions

See pages 17-23 in the Chemical Reactions Handout (located in the Unit 3 Folder in the course D2L site) for additional info on single replacement reactions (including the activity series of metals) and help with the following questions.

Question 16:

Mg + AgI→

Question 17:

Ni + H3PO4

Question 18:

Cu + Al2O3

Balancing Redox Reactions and half reactions

Question 19: A redox reaction between dichromate ion and hydrogen sulfide is carried out in acidic solution.

Cr2O72- + H2S → Cr3+ + S

Answer the following question:

Question 20: A redox reaction between aluminum ion and nitrogen monoxide is carried out in basic solution.

Al3+ + NO → HNO2 + Al

Answer the following question:

2 thoughts on “Oxidation-Reduction Equations”

  1. In question 7 I think there is a mistake with the answer for oxygen because it says the answer is +2 when shouldn’t it be -2?

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